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11 June 2007
Ο παππούς και η ασφάλεια ζωής
Ένας παππούς 97 ετών πάει σε έναν ασφαλιστή.
- Γειά σας, θέλω να κάνω μια ασφάλεια ζωής.
- Τι λες ρε παππού, ασφάλεια ζωής, τρελλάθηκες, πόσο είσαι;
- 97 ετών!
Τρελαίνεται ο ασφαλιστής.
- Μιλάς σοβαρά τώρα; Τί να την κάνες;
- Να, θέλω να πάω με τον πατέρα μου ένα ταξίδι στο εξωτερικό και καλό είναι να είμαστε ασφαλισμένοι.
Ο ασφαλιστής έχει τρελαθεί!
- Με τον πατέρα σου; Πόσο είναι εκείνος;
- Ε, 125 τον άλλο μήνα.
- Και τι θα κάνετε στο εξωτερικό;
- Να μωρέ, πηγαίνουμε να επισκεφτούμε τον παππού μου.
Ο ασφαλιστής χτυπάει το κεφάλι του στο γραφείο.
- Τι λε ρε μπάρμπα, με κοροϊδεύεις; Πόσο είναι ο παππούς σου;
- Κλείνει τα 142 σε μια βδομάδα.
- Και τι θα κάνετε εκεί;
- Παντρεύεται και πάμε στο γάμο!
Ο ασφαλιστής έχει σκαρφαλώσει στο περβάζι και είναι έτοιμος να φουντάρει.
- Και γιατί παντρεύεται;
- Ε.. εντάξει μωρέ, τον πιέζουν οι γονείς του!

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το καταχώρησε ο Plakatzis @ 10:04 AM  
11 γελάκια:
  • At 10:56 PM, Blogger joshua said…

    It's so nice for me to have found this blog of yours, it's so interesting. I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise. My blog is also so cool! Don't think for a minute that my invitation is spam and I'm a spammer. I'm only searching for a public that may like or love what I write.

    Feel free off course to comment as you wish and remember: don't take it wrong, don't think that this visitation I make is a matter of more audiences for my own blogg. No. It's a matter of making universal, realy universal, all this question of bloggs, all the essential causes that bring us all together by visiting and loving one another.

    You must not feel obliged to come and visit me. An invitation is not an intimation. Also know that if you click on one of my ads I'm promised to earn 8 cents for that: I would feel happy if you did click it, but once again you're totaly free to do what ever you want. I, for instance, choose immediatly to click on one of your ads. To do so or not, that's the whole beauty of it all.

    I think it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers! Don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge (though you can use the translater BabelFish at the bottom of my page!) and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity. Remenber that pictures talk also. Open your heart and come along!!!!!

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Jobove - Reus said…

    Good days, beautiful day to visit your blog, regards from Catalunya Spain

  • At 11:39 PM, Blogger EMALMADA said…

    Hello from Almada Portugal
    Have a nice day

  • At 3:43 AM, Blogger SoTellMe.. said…

    I pass and I look your blog with pleasure. sincere greeting of France. Good continuation!

  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger david santos said…

    Thanks for you work and have a good day

  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said…


  • At 9:54 PM, Blogger Joint Venture world said…

    Nice blog my friend!
    Your invited to my blog at:www.khaeuro-makemoneyonline.blogspot.com

  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger Chantilly said…

    Polu kalo asteio! Xa xa !

  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger Relatos de Tierra said…

    για συ... Δεν καλαβενω τιποτα...

    But I will follow your blog, becouse I am from argentina and I am starting to learn your lenguage... It will be helpfull.

    Hasta luego

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger promoteyourblogforfree said…

    nice blog

  • At 6:32 AM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said…

    : )


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